Delectable Dee

I was born on my sister's 2nd birthday and I have been told that for the longest time, she thought of me as her own child (for God gave me to her as a gift - her very own living and breathing doll) and not my Mother's or me being her sister. She literally tried to fed me and only allowed my Mom to carry me on grounds that she's yet too little to carry me.

When we got slightly older, we were still too poor for Mom to be able to buy us any toy. All extra money she ears, she buy books so she can give us what cannot be taken away from us, knowledge and education. My sister, she would draw us paper dolls with paper dresses and I'd feel like a princess, having more than a dozen "dolls" where some neighboring kids on have one or two the most.

Later on through the years, she stopped considering me her own child but rather, as her pet. I was her favorite pet squirrel. She'd build me nests made out of fluffy pillows and "cook" me food made out of Bobots, Sergs and Nips.

And since we were poor, we didn't have shower in our bathroom and she'd always try her best to give me my shower. She'd take a plastic water pitcher and a high plastic chair and she'd stand on it and pour water over me way up high the chair and she'd do this for over an hour every day. Only now have I matured to imagine what it must have been like for her. Did her arms tremble and fingers slipped trying to hold on to the pitcher for a long time? Did her legs ache as she come down from the chair to scoop water from the pail and climb back up over and over again? She must have really adored me.

Over the years, so many things has happened and needless to say, as it is with most siblings, bouts of fights over usually silly things are frequent. But the bond's always been there, even when I was away from them for over 6 years. Even apart, she'd been able to feel it when I was sick or sad. And now, she's a very good friend, a real challenge for a photography model, a good masseuse, a personal hair stylist, a witty manicurista (haha) and my defender amongst other things.

Today, I weakly swayed my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water since I'm under water therapy because I'm burning with fever plus a toothache to boot and I overheard her talking to her boyfriend, Bo and she said,

"Diane is my bestfriend."

She said it in her hushed quiet tone but it was very clear and crisp to me! Isn't it wonderful to unintentionally overhear people say good things about you? And all my life, I think that was the nicest thing she's every said about me. 

My sister thinks of me as her bestfriend. She does adore me!

12/15/2008 10:18:56 pm

Hi D, it's so nice to hear stories like this. I'm glad my sister and I discovered we have so much things in common before it got too late. I wasn't very much of a doting big sister. I don't recall playing dolls with her... But I'd like to think I am now =D

12/16/2008 01:22:28 am

it swells the heart to owned as someone's bestfriend. your sister obviously adores and loves you. =)

hope you are out of fever and toothache and is now feeling better. =) *hugs*


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